Saturday, July 26, 2008

I think I'm in love...

with the idea of being in love. I am such an old fashioned girl when it comes to love and romance. Ever since I was 16 I've had fantasies of being swept off my feet. About being wined (umm well sparkling grape juiced in my case) and dined. Of red roses (though I do prefer yellow myself) and long walks. But seriously - there is something about being in love. The idea of someone in your life, someone who will take care of you, someone who is just there. Someone whose very thought would bring a smile to my face. Someone who I look forward to talking to or seeing at the end of every long day. I really miss that. When I see couples in love I couldn't be happier for them, but am left with a lingering thought of when I will find that one that I'm looking for. Don't get me wrong - while I dream of love - I'm not one to believe that we all have this 'one' person who is made for us.

I know there are many people out there that I can be equally happy with and I'm sure whoever I end up with will make me very happy. Until a few months ago the idea of arranged marriage scared me - part of it because how do I marry someone I haven't spent enough time with to really know. But I dont think that was the main reason. I truly believe that most people in this world are inherently good and I don't think I will end up with someone who I won't like. I do trust my parents - and I know that they will give me all the time in the world to make my choice. So why not give it a go. It's just one way to meet someone new right? So back to what it is about arranged marriages that I'm actually against - the thought that my dreams of so many years will remain unfulfilled. The idea of falling in love. The idea of romance. But then the silver lining I see behind every cloud says - why should I think I won't fall in love with said guy? And why would there not be romance in it. My mum and dad had an arranged marriage - they barely even knew each other when they were married - yet you would never know the way my dad behaves! So that's the one wish I do have - whoever that guy is - I hope he is the one I've been dreaming of. And whatever I did dream of does come true.

Actually I take that back. That would be wish number 2 for me (If God gave me three wishes). And what is the first wish I would ask for? That if there is such a thing as another life - that I be born to the same parents again. But more on that for another day.


woorkeri wittynathan said...

Are you sure you weren't brought up in the Yash Chopra household?

woorkeri wittynathan said...

I am not much into emotions, but - I love the last paragraph. I love the last paragraph. I love the last paragraph.

woorkeri wittynathan said...

Btw, there's courtship and hence the promise of romance in an arranged marriage/parental set up too, no?
My dil goes mmm mmm mmm mmm mmm... (Ok, that was for no apparent reason. It just happens to be the track that my Lord and Master, i.e. iTunes Shuffle is playing at this moment.)

SATYA said...

hi megha...
i am not that good @ blogs....i just love reading.....i got ur blog from sailu's kitchen website....anyways i feel great reading about love....because i know what it is like when it is in love...i saw both far as i is natural and its truely how we take it....and the person u love should make u secure enough in all terms....then i suppose any parents in this world would like thier daughter to get fall in love with a guy who suits u and i shall convence ur parents....